Hopewriter day 10 Reader⠀
‘Reader’ to me means a book that is full of large four letter words that repeat. They are books meant to foster success in little ones just getting used to stringing letters and sounds together into words.⠀
Because I homeschool, our shelves are full of them. Somehow they bring me joy. Maybe it’s the memories of my own excitement about learning to read or it could be that I absolutely love hearing a beginning reader make his or her way through their first book.⠀
One reader in particular that sticks out as a favorite is; Frog and Toad are Friends. This unlikely pair have many adventures and stick together through thick and thin. ⠀
These books are simple and I like that. Things feel complicated and over the top a lot of the time. Simple is hard to come by in my neck⠀
of the woods. Just going to the grocery store can be a major operation especially if you attempt in on the weekends or during rush hour. ⠀
And so the simple lives of Frog and Toad by the river bank seem nice to me. ⠀
I search for ways to simplify. To make things less about stuff and more about people. To be less busy and more present. To love deeper and listen longer. To be devoted to one another with brotherly love. ⠀
Problem is I can’t. I try,but consistent change is not possible on my own. I have made charts and check lists and rewarded myself plenty. ⠀
Simply put without You Jesus I am a sinking ship. But, I am not without you. You are in my ship and keeping me afloat. You are the wind in my sails and an anchor that holds in the darkest storm. You inhabit me and change my heart and show up in and through me. So I don’t have to be any of these things, because you are being them in me. ⠀
So when I pull the readers off the shelf and find myself craving simple, I will trust you, Jesus because you are all I need.