An Invitation
Luke 1:45
"You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.”
Even though Christmas has past, and we have launched into the new year I am still thinking on Mary and pondering this truth that the angel told her. Blessed is she who believes that the Lord will do what He says. The thing that strikes me differently this year is that though this is a statement, it is also an invitation. If I want to be blessed, I need to choose to believe God will do what He says. I need to trust that His words to me are true and one hundred percent reliable. Mary was blessed because she believed the angel when He told her that she would become pregnant and have a baby who would be God ’s son. Her believing set into motion God’s plan to save the world; His plan to save me and you
But the thing is her belief was so much more than ‘just’ having a baby placed in her womb. Behind her willingness to accept this was so much more. She must have believed that God was good and had her best interest at heart. She must have believed that He would provide for her since this could surely mean that Joesph would divorce her. She must have believed that God would protect her knowing that the law for an unmarried pregnant women meant stoning. A lot of the groundwork had already been laid. She had made up in her mind about God and what He was like. She had simple childlike trust and faith in His character. Because of this she could receive all God had for her.
Mary’s capacity to be blessed was in direct proportion to her belief. This is the same for us. The invitation is there. Blessing is right in front of us for the taking. God is holding out his hand saying,” The blessing is yours when you believe in me and trust my good character.” So, I can choose to worry and fret and go in frantic circles of anxiety or I can believe He will do what He promised. I can stand on the truth that He is good and receive the gifts He has for me right here, right now.
In Christ, I have this choice. I can either fall back into hyper-vigilant self-care and self-dependence, bowing to self as God or I can choose to believe that Jesus oversees everything and is working for my good. I can put my full weight on the truth that He will protect, and care for me.
In my everyday trials and moments, He is making me aware that I can choose Him; like when I planned a chicken dish for dinner but realized as I pulled the meat of the freezer that there was not enough to feed all the hungry mouths at my table. I could throw a fit upsetting everyone and everything or pray, “God you are provider; You make fish and loaves multiply. Could You make this chicken enough for my family tonight?” Time and time again He has made it enough. It never matches up; what I pull out of the freezer and what ends up on the plate. You see believing that He is present and that His heart is for me makes all the difference. The fact is He loves to help me, to serve me, and to love me. Believing that changes everything. Seeing him come through for me by meeting my needs and loving on me, that’s the hidden gift behind multiplied chicken. Of course things won’t always be easy or always work out the way I want them to but with Christ there is always blessing.
So, I have decided that my challenge for the year ahead is to practice choosing to believe what He has said and let that shift my view. Maybe you would like to join me and do this too. We can live lives of continual blessing when we choose to follow Him and step into what He says is true!
Blessed is She
Blessed is She
by Susie Teramura
Blessed is she who believes,
That God is real
And that He still speaks.
Blessed is she who believes
That He is in control
and holds all things.
Blessed is she who believes
That He chose her
And that she is favored.
Blessed is she who believes
That His plan is bigger
And He came to save her.
Blessed is she who believes
That nothing is wasted
And that He is with her in the waiting.
Blessed is she who believes
That nothing is impossible for God
And He is working in her behalf.
Blessed is she who believes
That he will equip her,
Protect her and
Provide for her needs.
Blessed is she who believes
That the One she adores
Adores her more
and has so much good
For her in store.
Luke 1:45
You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.
Nothing is Impossible for God
Yesterday on my walk I listened to Luke 1 a few times and spent time thinking about Zachariah and Elizabeth. Interestingly, I often forget that the Christmas story really starts with this elderly couple. They loved God and were righteous in His sight, but Elizabeth was unable to have children. God sent an angel to Zachariah while he was serving in the temple with the news that Elizabeth would become pregnant and bear a son. Their son, John, was to the front runner to Jesus. John would prepare the way turning people’s hearts back to God so they would be ready to receive Jesus as their savior.
One thing that struck me hearing this story again this year, is that God’s plan for our lives doesn’t stop in our mid 30’s. In this story God clearly blesses this older couple greatly. After years of ridicule and hardship they would now have a special place in the Christmas story and the Bible forever.
As I am aging, I sometimes wonder if my best years have passed and it’s all downhill from here. From my vantage point it seems like aging isn’t exactly fun. Things hurt more, and I find a big disconnect between what my mind says I can do and what my body thinks I can. Similarly, to when I look in the mirror and see a much older person looking back at me then the 20 something I imagine myself to be.
But this story gives me great hope. It speaks of a God who sees, not just the young and upcoming but the middle aged and elderly too. He hears our prayers and has not forgotten us. His silence for the prayers we have been praying for what seems like decades are not being ignored. Instead, they are a part of a plan greater than we could ever imagine.
Nothing is impossible for God, and He is at work bringing things together for a story more spectacular than the one we are writing. He can turn around even aging itself. Instead of Zachariah and Elizabeth being too old and pushed aside, He makes them center stage. God gives them a special job. The funny thing is that the miracle didn’t happen despite their age but because of it. God used their old age to usurp the narrative that their lives were no longer important
This is the God we serve. He is the one who turns our stories up on their heads. He is the miracle maker and the one who says possible when we think impossible. He is the one in whom there is always more. In Christ our blessings are eternal. They do not depend on age or ability instead they hinge on God’s character and goodness. The good news is that never ever changes He is always good, abundantly generous and delights in us. He promises to be with us every step of our life journey.
I wonder what God’s face looked like watching the angel Gabriel tell Zachariah the news. I can only guess He was grinning ear to ear! How long had God been waiting to surprise this special couple with a beautiful baby boy? How long had he listened to their prayers and held his secret? We can be sure that God has such exciting plans for us up his sleeve as well! So, this Christmas season let us not loose heart. No matter what age we are or what we are going through, God is on our side. Jesus, Emanuel the God who is with us will see us thru.
Isaiah 46:4 “Even when you are old I will be the same. And even when your hair turns white, I will help you. I will take care of what I have made. I will carry you, and will save you.”
Light of the World
pc:Tim Umphreys
The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it. John 1:5
Today’s verse from the Bible app is perfect for the first day of Advent. In sum, it says that darkness never wins. In this broken and hurting world it’s hard to believe that. It is difficult to watch the news, not feel like the darkness is winning. In my own life there have been difficult times when I have felt like this.I can remember talking with God on my morning walks saying to Him in despair, “God this darkness is just too strong - I cannot make it go away.I have tried everything to turn this situation around but nothing is working.”
But He is showing me that there is hope! Looking closely at this verse we can see that the light, which is Christ, will overcome the darkness; not me in my own strength or intellect, but Christ. He is all powerful, all knowing and the one who holds all things together. Jesus is the one who promises to take evil and turn it into good. Nothing is too hard for Him. I look back on some of the hardest things in my life see that out of the darkness He brought something really good. He forged beauty in the darkness when I couldn’t see and brought forth things I could have never imagined.
So let’s take heart it’s not up to us. He is at work chasing the darkness out of every corner of our lives. Our job is to hold fast to Him; to trust Him and acknowledge His presence right here with us. Let’s raise the awareness that He is in the room and soak in fact that this changes everything!
So, on this first day of advent as we turn our gaze to the manger, may we hold tightly to the truth that Jesus is the light. He is the one that is shining in the darkness and He always wins. No matter what it looks like or how it feels, the darkness has not and will not…ever… overcome Him! #hopewriters #hopewriterlife #advent #lightoftheworld
Promised Savior
You are the promised savior,
I am the one in need.
I am the one who needs saving
You are the one who sees.
You are the one who promised
And the one who fulfills,
The work of saving is yours,
And part of your beautiful will.
I am the one who’s empty,
I am the one with none.
You are the one who finished
And said the work was done.
You are the one, my hero,
my champion, and M.V.P.
You are the one whose kindness is
Daily keeping me.
You enter my mess and make a way,
You rescue me and save the day,
My warrior king who loves me,
Whom, one day, all will see
Is king of all the nations
And of all authority
Master and caretaker of
Every living thing
Promise-maker, promise-keeper
Your love is saving me.
Isaiah 9:6–7
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.
A Christmas Promise
It all begins with an idea.
God with us
He promises
His presence.
God with us
In the good, the bad
And the really ugly
With us
In the sick, the messy
And the totally broken
With us
When it hurts
And nothing works
To fix the pain.
He is with us
When we are lost
And can’t find our way
With us, when
We lose it
And have a
Really bad day.
He is with us
When we get tired
And give into fear
With us
When we forget
That he is right here.
The thing is,
Bringing him to mind
Isn’t what makes him exist.
He is present
Whether we
Acknowledge him or not
Like the moon
That is hidden
By the noonday light
The moon is still the moon
That hangs in the night
And God, like the moon,
Is actually
There, all day long.
And with him
And in him.
Is where we belong
Emmanuel ,
God with us
Making himself known,
God with us
Our eternal home.
“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). Matthew 1:23