Nothing is Impossible for God

Yesterday on my walk I listened to Luke 1 a few times and spent time thinking about Zachariah and Elizabeth. Interestingly, I often forget that the Christmas story really starts with this elderly couple. They loved God and were righteous in His sight, but Elizabeth was unable to have children.  God sent an angel to Zachariah while he was serving in the temple with the news that Elizabeth would become pregnant and bear a son. Their son, John, was to the front runner to Jesus. John would prepare the way turning people’s hearts back to God so they would be ready to receive Jesus as their savior.

 One thing that struck me hearing this story again this year, is that God’s plan for our lives doesn’t stop in our mid 30’s. In this story God clearly blesses this older couple greatly. After years of ridicule and hardship they would now have a special place in the Christmas story and the Bible forever.

 As I am aging, I sometimes wonder if my best years have passed and it’s all downhill from here. From my vantage point it seems like aging isn’t exactly fun. Things hurt more, and I find a big disconnect between what my mind says I can do and what my body thinks I can. Similarly, to when I look in the mirror and see a much older person looking back at me then the 20 something I imagine myself to be.

 But this story gives me great hope. It speaks of a God who sees, not just the young and upcoming but the middle aged and elderly too. He hears our prayers and has not forgotten us. His silence for the prayers we have been praying for what seems like decades are not being ignored. Instead, they are a part of a plan greater than we could ever imagine.

 Nothing is impossible for God, and He is at work bringing things together for a story more spectacular than the one we are writing. He can turn around even aging itself. Instead of Zachariah and Elizabeth being too old and pushed aside, He makes them center stage. God gives them a special job. The funny thing is that the miracle didn’t happen despite their age but because of it. God used their old age to usurp the narrative that their lives were no longer important

 This is the God we serve. He is the one who turns our stories up on their heads. He is the miracle maker and the one who says possible when we think impossible. He is the one in whom there is always more. In Christ our blessings are eternal. They do not depend on age or ability instead they hinge on God’s character and goodness. The good news is that never ever changes He is always good, abundantly generous and delights in us. He promises to be with us every step of our life journey.

 I wonder what God’s face looked like watching the angel Gabriel tell Zachariah the news. I can only guess He was grinning ear to ear! How long had God been waiting to surprise this special couple with a beautiful baby boy? How long had he listened to their prayers and held his secret? We can be sure that God has such exciting plans for us up his sleeve as well! So, this Christmas season let us not loose heart. No matter what age we are or what we are going through, God is on our side. Jesus, Emanuel the God who is with us will see us thru.

Isaiah 46:4 “Even when you are old I will be the same. And even when your hair turns white, I will help you. I will take care of what I have made. I will carry you, and will save you.”


Blessed is She


Light of the World