Blessed is She

Blessed is She
by Susie Teramura

Blessed is she who believes,
That God is real
And that He still speaks.

Blessed is she who believes
That He is in control
and holds all things. 

Blessed is she who believes
That He chose her
And that she is favored.

 Blessed is she who believes
That His plan is bigger
And He came to save her.

 Blessed is she who believes
That nothing is wasted
And that He is with her in the waiting.

 Blessed is she who believes
That nothing is impossible for God
And He is working in her behalf.

 Blessed is she who believes
That he will equip her,
Protect her and
Provide for her needs.

 Blessed is she who believes
That the One she adores
Adores her more
and has so much good
For her in store.

Luke 1:45

You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.



An Invitation


Nothing is Impossible for God