
Hopewriters Day 5 Edit

I like to edit actually. Fault finding comes easily to me. My brain seems practiced at seeing things that are not quite right. And for the most part, as far as writing goes, it helps to make what I am working on better. I find however that I take the editing a bit farther than my creative work. I tend to be quite critical of myself and quick to spot things that could be better. I used to think God was like that too, always looking for me to improve and wanted me to work hard to be perfect. But as I have grown in my faith and come to know Him, learning what the gospel is really about I have found that is not true at all. He knew I couldn’t be perfect and so he sent Jesus and His perfection is all I need. The fault finding stops there. He doesn’t daily count up my mistakes and doesn’t ask me to either. He welcomes me in love and treats me with kindness. His grace covers it all and so I am free to stop editing my own life and ways. He invites me instead, to simply do life with Him. And as I do I am seeing that His view is so different than my own. His presence is not burdensome but a delight and I am finding rest there. I still see my mistakes but when I bring them to Him there is grace. So I will save the editing for my writing and live free, letting Him take care of me. -Romans 8:1 “Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free..”



