
Hopewriters Day 6 Brainstorming
In the past week I have had the chance to see some amazing tide pools while visiting my sister and her family in Australia. My brother in law is a high school science teacher who has lived here all his life and knows exactly where to take us. He has taught us so much about the creatures that we have found. In thinking about brainstorming it seems a bit like these tide pools to me. Waves of thinking pour in leaving quiet pools of hidden treasure. Each idea left behind can be looked at and examined closely. Then eventually one is decided on and taken home in my pocket to call my own. Often times though I have decision making problems. I get stuck and each idea seems just as good or bad as the other and I begin to talk myself out of writing all together; paralyzed by the pressure to find the right choice. The older I get though I am realizing that in this kind of thing there may not be a ‘right’ choice. The choices are all good just different. A shift in my thinking has occurred in that the right choice is to move forward and keep writing letting the right subject matter be second to that. The thoughts are inside and they don’t have an avenue out of I stay trapped in indecision. Moving forward can feel risky though and like hermit crab climbing out of his shell it feels a little exposed. But that little fella can’t go anywhere when he is hiding inside his shell. God gives us gifts that he wants us to use and enjoy for our pleasure and enjoyment; treasures of our own to unpack and explore. So as the storms we face, little or big, bring in tide pools of ideas, let’s have a look around chose one we are drawn to, not spending too much time deliberating and move forward. It’s worth the risk and our Father is right there cheering us on as we do the next right thing in love. 😊(thanks @emilypfreeman for your podcast the next right thing!)#



