
Hopewriter day 4 Mood

Mood is actually a funny sounding word if you say it enough,but this small word holds great power. It is like the rudder on a ship that can shift its direction one way or another. The exact same experience can have very different outcomes depending on my mood. I think I might give my mood too much of a place in my life as I often won’t write unless I am in the mood and the conditions feel right. But I am learning that my feelings should not be the basis of my actions, God should. My feelings are important but not always accurate and are not qualified to have the final say on my direction each day. To be honest I didn’t feel like taking this challenge. It felt scary to write my thoughts on Instagram. On top of that I am visiting my sister in Australia and I never can finish these things. My feelings said forget it but God urged me to try it. So here I am writing messy words and walking right over that mood showing it who is in charge. I am thinking there are other areas of my life God wants me to do this too. He is good and his thoughts toward me are kind. He is taking me in the right direction.
So as the day is just beginning over here down under, I think I will tell my mood to move over because I am letting God lead the way.



