
Every spring I stand for way too long, on the aisle at Home Depot perusing the tomatoes. Choosing which variety to buy always feels like a trial, but I often end up with something called Big Boy Tomatoes. This is partially because of the pretty picture on the tag but also because they are already covered with tiny yellow flowers sprouting baby tomatoes and look promising .

The problem with Big Boy Tomatoes is that after about weak three of sitting in the warm sun, these big boys are hmm…let’s say, BIG but not exactly ready for eating. The challenge then becomes how to assist the plant in holding these beauties up. They need support. Tying the plant to sturdy stakes usually does the trick.

The older I get, the more I feel a bit like that leafy green tomato plant. The things I carry are just too big. Some days to be honest I feels like I might break under the weight of them.

And so, I have been clinging to this verse from Psalm 18 for quite some time. “You are my support. You brought me out into a spacious place. You rescued me because you delighted in me.”

God’s love is compassionate. He is a God who sees my need and is there to hold me up. And, He himself, promises to do it. He doesn’t send a servant or find another way. His delight in me is my rescue and in Him I am safe. I don’t have to be strong or hold it all together because He is the one holding me.

So here’s to all those who feel tired by the weight of things, seen and unseen; by problems that don’t go away and burdens too hard to bear. May you grow strong knowing you will be supported and helped by One much greater than you. May you be rescued by the beauty of His delight and my you be filled with knowledge that He is the one who holds all things together.




