
Hopewriters Challenge⠀
Day 3 Shine⠀

Sitting at the dentist office, I wait for them to call me back. My eyes are drawn to the giant bamboo palm that sits right by the window. I am a plant lover and these palms, they are taking me to Hawaii right now! Oh, how I would rather be there than waiting for a hygienist to clean my teeth. ⠀

What is making these palms so striking is the way the sunshine is hitting them. They are glowing and something about that shine is enhancing their beauty.⠀

I guess I am attracted to things that shine. I buy products that make our floors, counters, and hair shine. I even purchased some apple scented shimmer spray for my girls this Christmas so that they could shine too! ⠀

I think shine brings out the essence of a thing. Those palms… well,… look a lot more “palmy” in the afternoon sun. And the lake in our back yard looks a lot more like ‘lake-like ’ when it sparkles and catches the light. ⠀

My mind wanders to You, God. You are the source of all the shine. Your beautiful face spreads light all over your creation; all over me. You make your children glow in Your presence.⠀

You are my life and Your light seeps out of all my broken spaces. Turning my cracks into kaleidoscopes, You replace my sadness with joy. When I am with You, I am more fully me. So forget Hawaii. With You is where I want to be.⠀

My thoughts are interrupted by a spunky hygienist. “It's time to clean your teeth,” she says, “time to make them shine!



