
Hopewriter Challenge ⠀
Day 4 Fresh⠀

I really like chips, Pirate Booty, (...the healthier ..Cheeto), to be exact. And when that craving comes I make my way to the pantry to hunt some down. The joy of finding such a treat is quickly stolen when I reach into the bag of puffed corn to find them stale. The puff has lost is puffiness and the crunch is replaced with a stale nugget that sticks in my teeth. ⠀

To be honest, my life feels a bit like my stale snack right now. I feel pretty flat and have lost my spark. A kind of numb mindless stupor has set in and it feels like I am walking through deep mud. It has felt that way for a really long time now. A fresh year with a fresh outlook sounds so good to me but no matter how hard I try I just can’t find it. ⠀

So humbly I bring this slug-like thing of myself to you God. Could you renew my spirit? Your word says you make all things new, and that you will give me a new heart. You promise to give me your life which is the freshest thing on the market. You hold the market corner on new. ⠀

With a word you bring what’s dead to life. You multiply bread for tired souls and part seas when there is no way out. You, are the God who stands with us in our fires and shut lion’s mouths so we can sleep. You enable us to dance on mountaintops and invite us to walk on water. Life with you is anything but stale. So God please remind me of this. It’s your spirit that’s living in me and I belong to you. Nothing is too hard for you. I will trust that you are at work taking all my stale and making something new.



