Hope Writer challenge
Day 3- Routine
A new routine my husband and I are enjoying is Wordle -ing every night before bed. At about 11:30 we join up no matter what we are doing and try to solve this tricky word puzzle together. It has been fun and using good teamwork, we usually do pretty well.
I have been wondering, however, what has made this happen. So many times we have tried to make a routine out of other things that seem way more important, like reading the Bible or praying together but it has never stuck and frustratingly, has sometimes become an area of contention.
But something about Wordle, about the new word waiting for us, the teamwork and the small joy of getting it right on the third try; it’s sticking.
Routines are anchors to me. They require less thinking and just happen. They become a framework in which we can rest. Like eating breakfast, lunch and dinner, they mark our days and hold our hours.
When the kids were little, I was much better about routines because I centered my life around theirs. The rhythm of play time and nap time was life giving for us all. But as they have grown, I have let that slip away.
l have, however, felt the Holy Spirit urging me to reenact some of them again. How would it be if I took a daily nap, and made myself turn the light out a little earlier? What if painting was just as important as the laundry? What if I cared for myself as I would my precious babies? What might happen if I tended to myself and let these routines lead the way to other seemingly more important decisions?
I am not sure and to be honest, it seems kinda risky to try . It feels like a letting go of sorts; a letting Him carry the weight of things I deem urgent. It takes faith to trust Him in these areas of my life and I need Him to provide that faith. But, I am willing to try and will be sure to let you know how it goes. What routines have you found to be life giving? What new ones would you like to try? #hopewriterlife #hopewriter