
Hopewriter Challenge Intention
Intention is deciding something before it is done. It is an act of the mind that is meant to be followed through with physical action. The problem is the action sometimes doesn’t occur or the action that occured didn’t have the result that was initially desired. This happens to me a lot.

My Intentions are mostly good, however they often have a tricky little back lash. When things don’t go as planned, a bully dressed in business suit and black stilettos enters the back door. Outside of the suit and heels, she looks a lot like me and she says some pretty mean things; things like, “What’s wrong with you? “ or “You didn’t say that right,” or “You blew it again.”

And I am thinking that as much as I’d like to kick that mean girl to the curb, actually, that girl needs some love. She doesn’t know that it is ok and that You, God, order our steps and plan our days. She is anxious so she tries to control and manipulate with her shaming words. But her heart just needs a reminder of Your rock solid, unchanging unconditional, always and forever love. She needs to receive Your kindness so she can give it to herself again.

So let the good intentions keep coming. This time I when that mean girl sneaks in I think I will invite her to take off those shoes, and enjoy a cup of hot coffee!



