
Hopewriters Day 10 Goal

Staring at piles of laundry and a house barely put away from Christmas, I make my list of not just things to do but of goals for the new year. Feeling like it’s too hard and too much I get distracted and take a quick look at the photos from our time with my sister in Australia, and one picture catches my eye. My brother in law teaches science and one day we visited his classroom where he showed us the agriculture student’s garden. The students had gone home for the holidays and the plants were overgrown with the fruit ripe and ready for picking. Corn and butternut squash; trees heavy with oranges, lemons and limes. And I said to myself. That’s my goal, right there. My goal for writing and my life, as a whole is to be fruitful; to produce what I was planted for letting God be the gardener and tender of my soul. I’m not sure what this means practically, but as far as writing goes, I think it means simply to write; to show up not counting the cost, sowing words in the rich soil of the heart letting the Son and the Word do their work. And maybe, just maybe, my heart will grow big and produce some beautiful fruit too.



