Listen soul,
You wild tangled one,
precious and preoccupied,
Listen close
It’s time to slow down
Breathe deep
Lean in
and listen
Hear this…
Hang on to this,
Hold this,
close to your heart,
It’s not up to you.
He has it all
under control.
He’s making everything right and
He’s made you
all right
Stretching his arms out
on that cross
He gave all
to take care of it all,
to take care of you ,
to keep you
as His own forever
So listen,
hear sweet soul
It’s ok to
be still
And to slow.
He is the one
who will carry you home.
Colossians 1:17
He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
pc: Zoe Teramura