I have heard that
grapevines need stones
to produce fruit.
With perfect soil and
a life of ease
theses vines will just produce more leaves.
But in rocky ground
their roots dig down
finding nutrients to thrive.
and in the fight to survive,
they reproduce.
Or in other words,
they grow fruit
juicy- purple, tart and sweet
grapes and skin and seeds to eat
I smack my lips savoring the flavor
And I realize…
it is the same with me.
Hard things make me dig down deep.
Roots reach into dark new places,
and In this process I am lengthened.
No choice but to surrender
to-what I can’t control,
Stiff parts bend and grab hold.
And like a tendril
I curl round You
To find that
You are holding me too.
Melding untill we are one
Your strength is mine
And I’m undone.
I’m in You and You’re in me
Your life pumps through my veins
Bringing me to life again.
Those rocks
That were hard and hurt
made me push through that dirt
and are producing beautiful fruit in me,
spreading seed for eternity.
John 15:5
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
Song of Songs 6:3
I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine