Hopewriters Day 7 Rewrite ⠀
Last night I got on my summer pj’s thick fuzzy socks, and crawled under the covers to finish up my thoughts on yesterday’s word, ‘note’. I had just about finished when I guess I nodded off. (I do that easily.) ⠀
In what felt like seconds, I jolted myself awake. Looking down to pick up where I had left off I found that my finger had been on the delete key and I had slowly but surely deleted a fourth of what I had written, which I of course had not saved. ⠀
So.... I had to rewrite.Rewriting happens for all sorts of reasons and most of the time I find it painful. ⠀
For me writing meets me like path in the woods I am tempted to take. I begin to follow it even though I am not exactly sure where it is leading me. ⠀
My supposed destination is almost definitely not where I end up. I get distracted along the way picking up⠀
new discoveries that lead me on a paths all their own. ⠀
So when it’s time to rewrite, it’s like retracing my steps, attempting to curb my interest in the rabbit holes along the way. ⠀
So last night as I propped my eyelids open and tried to remember what I had to say, I have to admit I drew a blank. It was only until I reread the whole thing a few times that I could pick up my trailing thoughts. ⠀
Life is like this I think. Sometimes we have to rewrite. Unplanned things happen and we are left in the in between spaces. Loss leaves us wondering how to pick up the pieces and find our way.⠀
The story is in us deeper than we realize. It is really not about the destination, it’s about who we are becoming along the way.⠀
So when it’s time to rewrite, I am learning to trust You,Jesus. You are with me and will show me what to do. You weave my story into something new. And so I will keep following those forest paths as long as I am with You.