
Hopewriters Day 2 Reach-

When our daughter was tiny she would often say things I should have corrected but I didn’t because it was just too cute. One saying in particular has stuck with me to this day. Whenever she was tired and wanted to be held, she would reach her pudgy soft fingers in my direction and say, “Hold you, me!”

Something about that misspoken phrase actually spoke what was needed. When she reached, I hugged her close and the, ‘you’ and the ‘me’ were held. The reaching meant she needed me. She had come to the end of herself and was ready to let me carry her and her load.

Although I was often tired too, I would never refuse this chance for a snuggle or the feel of her little body relaxing into mine.

As I am getting older I have found that my spirit and body don’t age at the same rate. In fact, it seems I am more in touch with my younger parts than ever and sometimes my tired soul reaches for Jesus with a mumble that may just sound to Him like, “hold you, me!”

The beautiful part is He never refuses my reach and always welcomes the weight of me. He never says I’m too old to be picked up or that I should figure things out on my own. He delights when I lean in on his shoulder, letting Him carry me.

The funny part is that when I hold Him I feel him best holding me and His presence becomes all I need. Next to His heart is where I always want to be, as I hold onto Him He holds even tighter to me.




New You