My Red Sea

Thank you God, that you are good,

even when my story takes a turn

and leads me to shore of an angry sea

and I am left wondering

how this can be.

I stand at the edge

of this impassable obstacle

and scratch my head.

Where did I go wrong?

Did I hear you right?

How in the world

could this be where you are leading me?

But the water laps cold over my toes,

and the Egyptians are coming so I must go

through the sea.

Yes, you invite me

to see your power and

see your strength and

see your hand rescue me.

The water rises high

on each side

and I walk through

on a path that’s dry

a path I didn’t know was there

a path that’s taking me


beautiful and somewhere new

because nothing

is too hard for you.

You made a way

and will take me through.

And when I’m safe on the other side

I will look back on the ocean wide

and remember the time




On a path impossible

through the sea.

”Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. …The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”

‭‭Exodus‬ ‭14:13-14‬ ‭




Never Late